want to unwrap your goodies now? 

Here's What You'll Get...


Seven live in-person classes

We meet at 7:30pm Thursday evenings in Santa Monica, starting March 30th.

Taught by Eva, these are real-deal immersions in feminine sexual psychology. You’ll delight in sensual movement, group sharing, and mind-body science.  Be prepared to take notes and get your mind blown with multiple A-HA's.  


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Awesome New Friends

Discover the joy and power that comes through being in a supportive sisterhood of women.  Graduates from this course often say that the deep friendships they made was the greatest benefit of all.

Exclusive access to a private online discussion forum

Share stories, get advice, and make friends with other women in the course. And – Eva is in the group to answer your questions in between sessions


A giant treasure chest of personal practices

Learn simple mind-body practices that you can use the rest of your life. These practices are focused, direct, and incredibly effective. In this program you don't have to "strive."  We operate always from a place of deep and relaxed pleasure